Wednesday, July 31, 2013

IUI #2 : Check.

My Journey threw IUI #2

This was the little room where my dear husband got to sit and ejaculate into a little cup... 
The joy's of IUI. Lucky for us, that's never a problem for him :P

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Descriptive IVF procedure video

Found this video on youtube
and thought it was helpful to understand the IVF procedure better. 

Descriptive IUI procedure video

Found this on youtube today..
Thought it explained pretty good what the IUI procedure is.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Trigger Shot Time!! (Ovidrel) @10pm


Husband poked me with the Ovadrel shot at 10pm. It stung like crazy witch cought me off guard because 1st time around it didn't hurt at all. Also within 10 mins of this injection I already started to feel something going on in there. No idea if that's normal that fast. 

Really hoping this is my last injection for a long time. (Until baby #2) wishful thinking I know :P 

The Infertile Mrs.White

CD18 GonalF125 D16 - Followup u/s & bw #5

Cycle Day 18
GonalF Injections Day 16
Followup Blood Work & Ultrasound Round 5
7 Days of GonalF 100iu 
8 Days of GonalF 125iu
( Used up all 5 pens )

Right ovary: 19.2 and an almost 18 (YAY to two winners!!) 
Left ovary: 15.5 (could be a 16 by tonight!!) 
Lining: did not measure but looked nice and thick :) 
Estrogen: 698 (on the 27th) 

Doing Trigger Shot tonight at 10pm!! :D 

Doctor said anything above 16 is a mature enough egg to fallow threw with trigger shot (ovidrel) so yay to my little follicles growing big :D 

Doctor said we have a chance for triplets.. I can only wish and keep fingers crossed!!! 

That's right lady's... This little lady has FINALLY got a 1.92cm!!!!! I was in shock when I saw the screen haha. Dr even printed a ultrasound photo for us to keep haha. She thought it was cute that my husband was doing a video of the screen so she said she would give us a pic too haha. She's awesome!! 

Only thing is the nurse gave us the wrong picture this one is of a follicle in my right ovary that measures 14.3. Nurse looked shocked and didn't understand that Dr wanted us to have a copie so she just cut out whatever picture but none the less happy we got "A" picture in general.

Here is how my day went..

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Video- I'm a daddy and I know it (to twins & triplets!)

I saw this video months ago and saw it again today.. 
The kids are so adorable and what a cute family. 
If you need a good laugh, check it out.

The Infertile Mrs.White

Saturday, July 27, 2013

CD16 GonalF125 D14 - Followup u/s & bw #4

Cycle Day 16
GonalF Injections Day 14
Followup Blood Work & Ultrasound Round 4
7 Days of GonalF 100iu 
7 Days of GonalF 125iu
( Working on 5th pen )

What a BIG difference it makes when you have a really great, nice, sweet, optimistic Doctor. This time around my experience was much much better and even though my follicles are still not ready for IUI, I still left the room feeling good and with a smile on my face. She explained to us everything she was doing (measuring) and just mainly talked to us threw out the ultrasound so 1 it didn't feel so uncomfortable, 2 made us feel important and like we were really being taken care of and 3 made me feel at ease about the numbers I was seeing on the screen and made us feel comfortable enough to ask questions and even make a small video of my follicles on the monitor! 

Right ovary: 13.5, 14.5 and a couple of 9's. (she did not measure them, only the biggest ones she saw) 
Left ovary: 13.6, and a bunch of 8-9's. (She didn't measure these either, only anything above 9.5) 
Lining: 9.63 (Yay, it's growing!!)
Estrogen: 667 (first time they actually give me my number.. this is my result from last blood work on 21st)

Here is how my day went..

Me in my white sheet waiting to be called into the ultrasound room. Hubby took the picture :) I look so sleepy haha.. I slept a little over an hour in the car on the way up.. ZzzZZzzz Had 2 hours sleep last night, couldn't fall asleep!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

CD13 GonalF125 D11 - Followup u/s & bw #3

Cycle Day 13
GonalF Injections Day 11
Followup Blood Work & Ultrasound Round 3
7 Days of GonalF 100iu 
4 Days of GonalF 125iu
( Working on 4th pen )
Right ovary: 10.6, 11.3, 12.2 and a bunch of 9's
Left ovary: a bunch of 8's +
Lining: 7ish.. something around that

Here is how my day went..

This was my view on the way up to Edmonton at 5:30am. It was raining when I got into my car.. made for a soothing drive.. (I love rain/thunder storms). Hubby had to work a 16 hour shift today so I drove up on my own.

Waiting patiently in the waiting room. It's so quiet and really not busy compared to usual.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bruise #1

I got this bruise on Day 4 of injections.
Literally 2 seconds after I pulled out the needle, my skin instantly bruised.
Yikes. No idea what happened there. 

I took the picture threw a mirror so it actually looks alot less colorful and bruised then it really was. 
I also took this picture two days after the fact. 

The Infertile Mrs.White

CD11 GonalF125 Day9

Two pens down (empty).. Working on my 3rd and got a new box yesterday to make sure I have enough to last me till next follow up (24th). Didn't have much of a choice since the pharmacy is 4 hours there and back. Plus on Sunday's the pharmacy is closed so the nurse gave me a box and said the pharmacy would contact me about the payments to be made for them on a later day. Pretty sweet deal.. I had totally forgot about Sunday's being closed and to be honest I really thought my ovaries had progressed well and that I wasn't going to need another box.. (wishful thinking). I also didn't have a choice to get a new box since they upped my dosage from 100iu to 125iu I really wanted to make sure I'd have enough.. Nurse said if I don't end up using the box to store it in my fridge that it can last months that way. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

CD10 GonalF125 Day8 - Followup u/s & bw #2

Alright, here's where I'm at.. 

Cycle Day 10
GonalF Injections Day 8
Followup Blood Work & Ultrasound Round 2
7 Days of GonalF 100iu 
Today start GonalF 125iu
(2 pens down, starting pen 3 tonight $)

Somewhere between Friday and today (Sunday) my nice 11mm follicle has disappeared.
Ya I know, weird.. I kinda begged her to find it and in that process my ovaries started to really hurt.. She was digging and really pushing the wand against my ovaries to try and find something above 9.2. Nada! My hopes that this cycle wouldn't last 19 days again kinda flew out the window at this point. She says that maybe what the other Dr saw was 2 follicles that looked like 1.. but I swear I saw that screen with my two eyes and it was definitly ONE very nice looking 11mm follicle. So frustrating.. Once we left the clinic I started trying to see the positive in this.. and I came up with.. well I remembered the Dr on Friday saying usually when 1 follicles outgrows the others that it's the leader and usually the others wont catch up or keep growing... So I figured maybe this way is better since they are all pretty much around the same size now and hopefully they will all kinda grow together.. I'm really hoping for more then 1 winner follicle.. I know this is probably alot of people's worst nightmare but I want twins more then anything so bring on multiple big follicles! 

For the verdict: Both my ovaries contained MANY follicles measuring between 8.7 and 9.2
I lost count after she measured 6. I don't know what this means tho for the growth progress. 2 days ago they were between 7.5 and 8.9 that means they haven't grown much at all.. Altho now all the 8's are now almost 9's but still not a significant growth. GAHH soooo frustrating! I really thought this cycle would be in my favor.. maybe not baby wise but at least to know my follicles can grown and not take like 20 fregan days!! This makes me worried for IVF.. I gotta say I'm glad we gave IUI another shot so I can get to know my body patterns a little better.. and so far they suck very much.  

Gonal-F 300iu Injectable Pens up close

My injections for tonight.

These were my shots tonight. They upped my dose from 100iu to 125iu. What's great about these pens is all you have to do is crank the pen to your dosage, inject it and when the pen empties out it will tell you on the dial how much you have left to take on your new pen. In my case, I had 75iu remaining to take witch means to empty the pen I had 50iu left. No guessing game here and makes it quick and simple. 

This is what a very empty pen looks like.

The Infertile Mrs.White

Small bump - Video

Small Bump 
by Ed Sheeran

This song and video is so touching, I couldn't help but cry from start to finish. 
I've never had a miscarriage but my heart feels for all the woman (couples) who have.

The Infertile Mrs.White

Friday, July 19, 2013

CD8 Follow Up u/s & bw #1

Follow Up Blood Work and Ultra Sound #1
Turned out better then we thought!! 

The Verdict is: (drum roll) 

Left ovary
1 @ 11
4ish between 8 - 8.9

Right ovary:
6+ between 7.5 - 8.9

Dr.C decided to keep me on the same GonalF dose and said the progress was going well. That usually when 1 out grows the rest that's usually the one that will dominate and the others wont grow to the size needed but we shall see! My lining is at 8 (not sure where it's supposed to be but it sounded positive). Dr.C wants us to go back in 2 days so this Sunday July 21st. This is exciting news as last cycle he asked us to return 3 days later. I asked why only 2 days later and he said that the follicle can be very unstable and he wants to make sure to monitor it. Crazy happy with these results compared to last cycle!!! Feel free to look back at my older post.. April 22 2013 - Followup u/s & bw (Day 6 Gonal-F 75) CD8.  Hubby took a secret video of my ovaries on the screen haha...You can barely hear what the Dr was saying but it's fun to see them on the screen.. I'll try to see if I can print screen save a part of the video. :) 

Here is how our day started.. 
Bright and early.. UGH! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

CD7 GonalF100 Day5

Oh yes... This is me giving myself my injection in McDonalds Reataurant! I was with a client and we weren't going to be near a washroom for couple hours so here I am... Trooper. 

There was no where to put my purse down so I used the baby changing table. 

The Infertile Mrs. White 

Another One ;)

Went to Sobey's grocery store and walked passed this pretty sign.

One Day ... 

The Infertile Mrs.White

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My hypothyroidism

Two thumbs down for slow thyroid! 

Monday (15th) I got a call and voicemail on my cell from the fertility clinic. Right when I saw the missed called my heart panicked since there shouldn't have been any reason for them to call me... I started listening to the message, turns out my Doctor read my blood work results from Saturday (13th) and he wants to up my dose of Synthroid. I was on 50mcg and he wanted me to up the dose to 75mcg. The voicemail asked me to call them back and give them the name and fax number of my pharmacy so they could fax over my new prescription straight to them in order for me to start taking the new dose as soon as possible. I ended up calling them back the minute I was able to and their voice box was full!.. so it transferred me to a different voice box and I left my message there. I called my pharmacy later on that night to check if my prescription was in yet and pharmacist said no. I got a call back from the fertility clinic yesterday morning saying that the voice box for the nurses line is now empty and that I was to call them and leave a new message. (Lotsa phone tag here!) So I did exactly that.. In my message I asked them to call me the minute my prescription was sent so I would know when it was done. The nurse called me back in the early afternoon and she was really great about it all and took the time to explain the situation to me. 

Apparently my Thyroid level is at 4.42 and they want to keep it under 4 or as close to 4 as possible.  Then the nurse adds that an infertile woman they usually would like to keep it closer to a 2. Gah!!! :( 

Freak out moment there!! Like wow i'm more then double the number that is preferred. Here I was thinking I was doing everything I could to make sure my body was working according to plan.. (taking lots of vitamins and minerals, taking my folic acid daily along with my thyroid med) I knew my thyroid wasn't working very well.. I have ALL the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism and found that despite my measly 50mcg of synthroid it didn't scratch the surface of my problem.. I am always tired, everything seems like such an effort, my extremities are always cold and easily cold, I get headaches daily and  severe migraines at least 2-3 times a week (in the past 2 months), concentration is hard after noon, I get real sleepy out of the blue for no reason and this is not a good experience to go threw when you have to work with disabled clients 8 hours a day 5 days a week. I need to be and feel like top shape yet every time I told my family Dr how I felt and that I did not believe my dosage was right for me he kept saying my blood work showed I was fine. 

Regular family Doctor's do NOT understand thyroid! They are sooo frustrating and I say "they" because I have gone threw many family Doctors and it was a battle trying to get one of them to finally put me on meds! I cried, I argued, I didn't leave the room till he listened to me and finally he said let's try out the lowest dose possible and see your blood work 4 weeks later and go from there. Well 4 weeks later came and went and I'm still at the lowest dose possible for synthroid. Family Doctors can be so useless and if you have a good one that listens to you and works WITH you to find the problem and solve it together then they are a keeper and cherish them!! 

My thyroid problem would also explain my lack of motivation to do anything lately.. I'm always so tired, too tired and want to lay on the couch and not move when I come home from work. Also would explain my weight gain (ughhh) I seem to just keep gaining and gaining. I tried the whole gym thing (still trying at it) and diets and eating healthier... nothing seems to budge but the scale going up and up.. :(

The Infertile Mrs. White

CD6 - GonalF100 Day4

This afternoon I can definitely feel my ovaries growing. I take my injection every night at 6pm so for today that was 10 minutes ago :) I'm at my clients house till 7pm so I took my purse in with me and hid out in the washroom. I have to use 2 pens today (empty one pen and start a new one) kinda hate that part. 

Not the ideal spot for injecting... but it will do :)

Monday, July 15, 2013


Lately I'm just so..

I don't even know how to explain it.. up and down and up and down with my emotions.. Right when I think I'm finally somewhat okay for a day where I can go threw my day and forget about my obsession with becoming pregnant and wanting like 4 of my own kids.. I see something or I think of a memory, or I see close friends really cute happy newborns, new family photos I break down all over again. I swear facebook can be a killer. I try not to go on it often but then I can't help it. I can't ignore my friends because they just had 'a super adorable baby'.. I suck it up and comment nice words that come from my heart because deep down inside I am so over joyed happy for all of them and I know how happy they are to be on their new mommy journeys... but then I put the laptop away and then I can't seem to shake off my jealousy and envy for the rest of my day. I feel like a really horrible person most of the time when it comes to pregnancies, babies, parents with alot of kids... because I wish it was me and it's not. I seem to replay scenes in my head over and over again of how we started trying years before any of my recently "new mommy' friends even mentioned wanting to start a family. Seems like first try and bang 9 months later parents. It's funny how alot of them can't believe how "it all happened so fast, one minute your talking about possibly starting a family and the next here you are juggling life as parents with a baby you weren't even sure you were ready for.." PUKE! I'm so bitter and I'm very aware how awful some of my posts can be to people who don't understand what it's like to live life in the shoes of an infertile woman. I really wish I wasn't like this because I really care about my friends and I wish I could just genuinely be the bestest person I can be and friends to them as I know I can be but ever since my journey has started to feel like there isn't going to be an end to it.. I've started to distance myself from people and this hurts me. I know it's all my doing but I'm going threw infertility and that's really something.

I used to beat myself up all the time saying "Oh Nadine, you haven't been trying that long quit feeling so sorry for yourself" or "Yes you did 5 clomid cycles but nothing counts til your actually fallowed by a specialist" or "I'm still young and I still have alot of time.." I used to also try and convince myself that majority of the infertile community has it worst then me because they had to endure numerous miscarriages and I've yet to experience that nor seeing a positive pregnancy stick. I always felt like I should't complain to anyone and keep it all in because I felt like my situation wasn't real enough. Lately tho, I have started to feel like "You know what.. I am in this, I am going threw things and it's okay to be pissed off at the world and hate my body and myself for being such a failure at this month after month". I'm starting to feel like yes I can complain about how hard infertility for me is because I finally came to realize that every infertility story is different and we all cope in different ways. I might not have experienced ALL areas of infertility since I still have that hope for IVF, I still have that one thing I can cling hope to.

I'm really scared I can never get pregnant.. I'm not one of those people who has gotten many positive pregnancy tests then has lost it couple weeks in. I have no idea if my body is even capable of creating a baby at all and that's so scary. Don't get me wrong I am glad I did not have to endure a loss because I don't know how I would handle that and how strong I could be after going threw something like that. Lately I just don't feel that confident in what my body is capable of doing. For example every time I try and eat healthy and loose weight I always yo-yo right back to my weight. I fail at loosing weight time after time (thanks to my hypothyroidism). That's a whole other story but all that to say lately I hate my body more then ever and I hate my body for not being able to accomplish something that so many others do so easily with no effort at all. We interfiles are dragged threw a hell of a rollercoaster ride cycle after cycle, months after month.. year after year. When will I finally get at my happy ending? And when and if I ever get there will I ever be able to enjoy it or will I go threw it scared as hell of every possible thing that can go wrong.

I'm going to start this IUI cycle with a positive outlook.. not positive as in I think I'll end up with a pregnancy, but positive in a way that hoping my follicles grow according to plan and on schedule. I am banking on my 1st fallow up ultrasound being a positive one. Now that I have a cycle to compare to, I really hope to see that my follicles are larger then they were last and that my lining is where it should be. I'm going to go threw this cycle as positive as I can but also as realistic as I can since I am fully aware IUI is only 20% chance. My odds are not very high. Also the fact that I'm actively raising money for IVF helps me stay more positive. I'm looking forward to seeing what my body is capable of and hoping for the best possible outcome for this cycle.

The Infertile Mrs.White

Possible Chart IUI#2

This is what I'm hoping my IUI#2 cycle will look like.

This is my personal agenda I use for work and personal use, so I had to blur out a couple areas for privacy :)

Red post-it = Ultrasounds, Blood Work, IUI in Edmonton
Yellow post-it = Start of Injections of Gonal-F & Ovidrel
(The 2nd yellow post-it is for when they up my Gonal-F dosage.)

Last IUI cycle lasted WAY too long! I had 16 days of Gonal-F injections, 1 baseline ultrasound+blood work, 4 fallow up ultrasound+blood work and did the IUI itself 19 days after day 1 of injections. It dragged on, my follicles took forever to grow to the size we needed and I wasn't feeling very confident. I don't even think my follicles ended up being the size they wanted it to be (the size where your real confident in them). They were JUST big enough to go threw the IUI but I definitively did not feel confident about them!

This time around I know exactly what to expect, I know the routine, I know what questions to ask, I know exactly what to look for on the monitor and I've grown used to getting naked waist down for various Dr's. (I ended up seeing 4 different Dr's for that cycle for my ultrasounds). That's also one thing that made me a little uneasy as well threw the cycle but they were all nice and they do work well as a team and it seems to work.  
Sorry the picture is a little blurry, I will try to re-take it in the day light when I have a minute :) 

The Infertile Mrs.White

Sunday, July 14, 2013

CD3 - GonalF100 Day1

Here we go again!!
Day 1 Gonal-F100IU

Thank God for our insurances..
2 pens cost $602.00. Our insurance covers $481.60 and so we paid $120.40!!! Not too bad at all.

This time around our insurance also seems to be covering a larger amount because last cycle when I bought 2 pens at once I had to pay $138.09 and insurance had covered $462.91. A little weird how that all works but hey if it's cheaper now I'll take it! 

Don't mind my nails, I had just painted them and so they look a little messy here..

I would like to add that I injected myself like a big girl today! I feel alot more brave around needles now and also because of my work hours this week I will have to inject myself on my own while at work so I figured I would just inject myself every time for this cycle. I will however get hubby to do the trigger shot for me, this way he will still feel involved and also because I can't handle to look at actual needles. The pens aren't so scary to use and look at.. but the trigger shot is a full out needle needle and I still have a phobia of them. 

The Brave Infertile Mrs.White

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Baseline u/s, blood work and AFC.. Check!

Cycle Day 2
Baseline Ultrasound, Blood Work and AFC

Up at 5:15am, on the road by 6:15am, picked up breakfast and our green tea's and on the road we went.
Two hours later we got to Edmonton. I might have slept an hour of that trip.. I was exhausted. Since it's the weekend we had to go get the blood work done at the other end of the hospital then rush to the clinic as it's first come first serve. Parking at the hospital $12.00: check. 

At the blood lab by 8:30am, out of there at 9am :Check.

At the clinic by 9:10am: Check. Woah, I've got loootsa stickers this time around! I look so tired here! 5 am wake up's don't agree with me :P Oddly enough we didn't wait very long and they called me before all the other lady's who were there before me.. They all gave me looks haha! 

Hubby taking pictures of me in my sexy new skirt haha. 
They make you undress from the waist down and wrap a white sheet around you. 
Not so fun waiting around in a white sheet when your on your Cycle Day 2! Hense the silly face here ;) 

9:30am, getting Baseline Ultrasound and AFC done: Check
Today I saw a different Dr I had never seen before. He was nice and tried hard to be funny.. altho once he inserted the wand and found my ovaries full of cyst, all you hear him say is: "Oooh yes, this is definitively policystic.. and said it again at my other ovary.. NO SHIT buddy thanks for reminding me!!
My Antral Follicle Count is good, he stopped counting after 20 so that's a good sign. Fiouf cause I'm still young and I better still have a large reserve of follicles!! 
Ultrasound #1 for IUI#2.

All done! He gave us a prescription for Gonal-F and nurse gave us my next appointment for this coming Friday July 19th. I am to start Day 1 of Gonal-F100IU tomorrow (on CD3).

This was my gorgeous view on the way home from Edmonton. The yellow field on the right is Canola flower to make Canola Oil. Pretty neat eh.. it was so bright yellow really pretty to look at. :) 

Halfway home it started to get real cloudy.. made for really nice pictures :) I love nature.

The clinic might be far, but the view on the way there is SO worth it! 

The Infertile Mrs.White.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

SIS: Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram

I found the information below at the fallowing website:

SIS: Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram 
I was wondering what this procedure was so I looked it up and found the fallowing information.

SHG is shorthand for sonohysterogram, a saline infusion sonogram (SIS) that is performed in the clinic. This procedure begins like a transvaginal ultrasound with the addition of a slow introduction of saline into the uterus. SHG is used to evaluate uterine abnormalities and the endometrium (uterine lining) as well as other disorders. It is also sometimes referred to as hysterosonography. 

SHG is a noninvasive procedure that does not involve the radiation and contrast dye used in a hysterosalpingogram. 

Fertility problems are sometimes caused by polyps, fibroids or adhesions (bands of tissue) inside the uterus. SHG can detect all of these conditions and minimize the need for invasive diagnostic procedures like tissue biopsies and dilation and curettage (D&C). Patients with active pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) should not undergo SHG. 

The SHG is performed in the days following the end of menstruation and before ovulation occurs, which allows for optimum viewing of the uterine walls. Due to cramping associated with SHG, patients are told to take a 600 mg dose of ibuprofen just before the procedure. 

The SHG is performed at the clinic and is usually completed in about 15 minutes. After disrobing from the waist down, the patient lies down on the examining table and places her feet in the stirrups. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina and threads a thin catheter through the cervix into the uterus. A transvaginal ultrasound wand is inserted into the vagina and saline solution is injected through the catheter into the uterus.  Pictures of the uterus are viewed on the ultrasound monitor. 

The saline highlights any irregularities in the uterus, including fibroids, polyps, scar tissue and other abnormalities, giving the physician a better idea of their size. This information is then used to develop a course of treatment for the patient. 

SHG is a low-risk procedure that may cause mild spotting and cramping that usually responds well to ibuprofen. Patients are advised to report any post-procedure abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain or fever to their doctor. 

The Infertile Mrs.White

AFC: Antral Follicle Count

I found the information below at the fallowing website:

Antral Follicle Count
I was wondering what this procedure was so I looked it up and found the fallowing information. Pretty interesting. 

The Basal Antral Follicle Count test is a transvaginal ultrasound test that measures a woman’s ovarian reserve, or her remaining egg supply.

The ovarian reserve reflects her fertility potential. Unlike males, who produce sperm on an ongoing basis, females are born with a full lifetime supply of eggs in their ovaries. When a girl reaches puberty, her eggs are released on a monthly basis; by the time a woman reaches menopause, her egg supply (and potential fertility) is exhausted. 

An antral (resting) follicle is a small, fluid-filled sac that contains an immature egg. The follicles can be seen, measured and counted on Cycle Days 2, 3, and 5 by using ultrasound. The number of antral follicles varies from month to month. 

The Basal Antral Follicle Count, along with the woman’s age and Cycle Day 3 blood work levels,  is considered one of the best indicators for estimating ovarian reserve and the woman’s chances for pregnancy with in vitro fertilization. In other words, the antral follicles are a good predictor of the number of mature (dominant) follicles in a woman’s ovaries that can be stimulated by medications leading up to IVF. The number of eggs retrieved correlates directly with IVF success rates. 

When an average to high number of antral follicles (eight or more) are visible on the ultrasound, fertility specialists expect to be able to retrieve a good number of eggs and the pregnancy rates are higher than average. If few antral follicles appear, a poorer response is expected and the IVF cycle could be cancelled to try for better results the following month. 

The Infertile Mrs.White

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Always ...

Nightmare aisle for anyone after a failed fertility treatment
>> Clomid.. Injections.. IUI... IVF <<
Note the brand "Always" beside the pregnancy tests...

That's right.. AF "always" shows up.

The Infertile Mrs.White.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Family with infants

Yup, another one! 
Went to Safeway with my clients to assist him with his groceries 
and happened to park right beside this lovely sign. 
I wonder what sign will jump at me tomorrow... Ughh.. 

The Infertile Mrs.White 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Parent Parking

Every time I see these signs, always tugs at my heart :(
The worst ones are the "Expecting mothers" I can only wish. 
Keep telling myself.. one day.. one day it will be my turn.

The Infertile Mrs.White

Happy Canada Day!

Why Canada is better then the US ;)