Monday, January 28, 2013


When I have a minute this week, I will share with you all my *Smash* Book that I've secretly been working on during my cycle 4 and 5 of clomid. I'm a bit of a scrapbooking-- crafty girl.. I seem to turn everything into some kind of craft haha... (It's my therapy).

Maybe it will inspire some of you to create something nice for memories to look back on when you do finally get your BFP! Documenting my clomid cycles, symptoms, vitamins I'm taking, diets I try and so on.. it helps me compare from month to month what I'm doing differently and it's nice to have something to show in the long run and to look back and remember the hard times and the better times while 'TTC'.

I also chart my OPK's by gluing them down on a paper (grid) and writing information beside them like the date, time, cycle day and results. It's been really helpful to keep track of my cycles and since my ovulation days are NEVER the same from month to month (or lack of) it's nice to have something to pin point the days. I'm sure my infertility specialist doctor will appreciate them as well..

I do not however chart my temperature.. I never really understood how to do them on the computer and I don't really see the point to them.. I gave it a shot for couple days and it really didn't seem accurate. I'd love to give it another shot if anyone out there who has tricks to them or would like to explain to me how to do it and what program is the best to use.. I'd definitively be willing to give it another shot.

The Infertile Mrs.White

If you guys are big into crafts, check out my other blog.. :)

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