Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chart.. Schedule..

The Game Plan detailed...

14th, CD1
15th, CD2
16th, CD3 D1 Gonal-F75 bw + Baseline u/s with Dr. C.
17th, CD4 D2 Gonal-F75
18th, CD5 D3 Gonal-F75
19th, CD6 D4 Gonal-F75 Got a nice little bruise from the injection
20th, CD7 D5 Gonal-F75 (2 pens = 62.5 + 12.5) headache all day
21st, CD8 D6 Gonal-F75 bw + u/s with Dr. M. 4 follicles between 5-7.5mm. Pain is starting to happen. I can really feel my ovaries swelling. I can't sit down for too long before pain occurs. It feels like the weight of my body is pressing down on my ovaries when I sit up straight and it really hurts. Got a new small bruise from injection on the lower right side of stomach.
22nd, CD9 D7 Gonal-F75 Pain when I sit, really feel ovaries in my body. Really strong pain threw out the day. Headache lasted all day.
23rd, CD10 D8 Gonal-F75 Really strong burning sensation in ovaries ALL day. Strongest pain around 5pm had to take Tylenol for it. Pain regardless if sitting, laying down or standing. Bad headache all day, never went away. New small bruise on lower right side of stomach near other bruise. (from injection)
24th, CD11 D9 Gonal-F100 (2 pens = 75 + 25) bw + u/s with Dr. T. 8-9mm. Headache all day
25th, CD12 D10 Gonal-F100 Real busy day at work, only felt pain at night once I got home.
26th, CD13 D11 Gonal-F100 Very uncomfterble when sitting in the up right position. Always seem to need to lean back to lessen the pain. (own body weight weighing down on ovaries??). Constant pain threw out the day. Ovaries are warm to the touch.
27th, CD14 D12Gonal-F100 (2 pens = 25 out of 300 pen + 75iu shot) OMG that shot stung and hurt like crazy never again taking the "shot" sticking to the "pen". We thought it was our last day on injections so we didn't want to pay for a pen, the shot was cheaper.. ugh! bw +u/s with Dr. C. 1 follicle right side is 13, 1 follicle left side is 14ish. Couple smaller ones. Lining is coming along at 8. (Dr says my follicles aren’t exactly leaping along.. thx doc geez!)
28th, CD15 D13Gonal-F100 Nausea around 6pm at home. All of a sudden I got really light headed and dizzy and felt like I was going to throw up right there and then. Feeling stayed for a good 10 minutes. Felt really off for the rest of the day. (light headed part)
29th, CD16 D14Gonal-F100 (new 300 pen) bw + u/s with Dr. M. 1 follicle right side is 15, 1 follicle left side is 14+. Dr says lining looks great, exactly where we want it to be. (Dr said the nausea from yesterday is normal side effect from the injections. Says it’s a good sign.. also she asked if I had sore breast I said no. She said once I use ovidrel I most likely will and that that would be normal). Very tired all day. Feel very out of it, like in a daze. Ovaries burn threw out the day on and off but mostly around 8:30pm till I fell asleep. (probably side effect of taking the injection at 6:45pm??) Really strong burning sensation and no way to re-leave the pain.. just had to fight threw it.. (keep telling myself this part is almost over!! Altho apparently the Ovidrel shot is not pleasant at all.. so very nervous about that...
30th, CD17 D15 Gonal-F100 (last day YAY!) Still the same pain in ovaries. They are very warm to the touch. Headache all day. Took a tylenol for both pain and headache. (only med the pharmacist said I can use). It did help a little for both :) I still don't feel myself today, out of it and tired.
May 1st, CD18  D16 (injections) OVIDREL 10pm!!!! TRIGGER TIME!!!!! Injection was painless suprisingly :P . I felt nothing for the first 40 minutes, then suddenly I felt really off. Ovaries started to burn really bad and I felt really strong pressure on my ovaries. Hubby looked stuff up and said ovidrel moves your egg towards the tube and that it moves around all the other cysts in the ovaries and disturbes them by moving them around a little. That makes sense for what I was feeling. Kinda like my ovaries woke up and started having a party haha!
2nd, CD19 NO injections. Excited, nervous and can't wait for tomorrow!!!!
3rd, CD20 IUI  9:30AM.

I had never planned mentally to be taking shots daily for 16 days!! plus 3 of those days I had to inject twice to empty out the left over from one pen and start a new pen. So in total that's 19 injections in 16 days.. SUCKS. In total I got 4 bruises, one big one and 3 smaller ones. Not too bad. Altho my arm where they took the blood work from is a whole other story. I've got a majour bruise there that lasted 6 days. The nurses were great, I just ruise easy I guess and they kept poking the same spot. 

The Infertile Mrs. White 


Below are pictures of what the GonalF75 shot looks like.

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