Thursday, June 6, 2013

What's always on my mind.. ivf.


It's Thursday night and I have IVF on the brain. I was on Pinterest looking up different infertility pictures and fell upon this neat little blog. The Urban Daddy. The blogger is a dad who lives in Urban Toronto, Canada and his post is about 'IVF Funfing in Canada: Infertility impact on grandparents'. While reading his blog I found it hit home and it was refreshing reading a blog from a male aspect and point of views.

Alright.. well in my other posts I was wondering ''What's next''... well we've really been talking and thinking about it and we've decided to looking into IVF in details. To be able to be on board 100% we need numbers, facts, statistics, success rates and time period. I want to know more about what 'it takes' to go threw it all from start to finish.

My husband and I both have pretty good insurances but have been using a good part of it for the iui  and other medical things. I'm not sure how much we are able to still use from the insurance as I believe we get capped at a certain point.

Day and night I have been trying to come up with ways to find funding for this cycle of ivf we would love to try asap.. it hasn't been easy to try and come up with ideas.. What I did come up with was to start a new 'temporary' blog where I would briefly explain our journey and invite all my friends and family members to donate for our cause. It's really not an easy thing to ask family members and friends for money.. especially since only a small hand full of people actually know about our infertility problems. Most family members and friends figured we're just taking our time, or we're not ready yet, or working on it. It wasn't really something I wanted to share openly with everyone since I kept hoping it would work sooner then later (get our little miracle) but it's been almost 2 years now and we're growing really impatient. I'm really nervous though, I have no idea how to go about asking for money. I am hoping someone out there who is either going threw something like this or knows someone who is could give me some pointers and ideas. I'm a little stuck. I've asked my mom for her advice on how to approach this situation and she is going to look into it and get back to me.


The Infertile Mrs.White

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