Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Life Update

I know I haven't posted in a while.. it was all part of my time off the blog and everything infertility that I could avoid to rejuvenate myself before going into our ''New Game Plan''. That's for another post though haha so check back for my follow up appointment update.

I've been actively working out and doing the Jamie Eason 12 week challenge. I am officially a day away from week 2 of Phase 3!!! I gave it my all, I changed my eating habits, I loaded up on vitamins and minerals (although I've always been pretty good at taking those) and kept myself very busy for the past month taking on extra shifts at work. I'm getting pretty used to this new lifestyle and routine my husband and I have going on. I have to admit at first it was really really hard but the harder I worked out at the gym and the more I made conscious daily healthy food decisions everything seemed to fall into place with less effort. I'm actually at the point where I enjoy our routine and at the end of the day I feel good about what  I've accomplished witch is nice for a change.

I started this 12 week challenge weighing in at my highest EVER @ 204 (eeek!)
This week, at week 9, I weight in at 188!!

16 pounds in 9 weeks.. not too bad. Definitely wish it was more but I still have 3 long hard weeks of training to go and I'm determine to loose the most during these 3 weeks. Phase 1 is a little slower paced, introducing your body to weights and light cardio, Phase 2 introduces you to challenge your body and lift really heavy weights and you train hard.. This phase makes your body ache daily and I really enjoyed it all.. I love lifting heavy weights, for some reason it comes easier to me and I love to push my limits and from week to week see how much stronger I got and I love pushing my max every week to where I'm lifting weights I never thought I could. Then there is Phase 3, the phase I am in now.. this one is HARD!! Phase 3 is all about supersets and active rest, lower weights with many reps. The workouts are designed for you to sweat from start to finish and challenges your heart rate and your endurance pushing you to your max cardio wise. Then at the end of each workout you have 30 minutes of intense cardio to do.. This is where I think in the next 3 weeks I will be burning the most weight. In phase 1, my body was just warming up and getting used to moving and pushing itself again. Phase 2 was all about waking up those muscles you forgot you had and pushing them to their max by lifting really heavy for lower reps. Now phase 3.. I can say I never had a workout that pushed me to my limits before.. Man oh man.. this phase is great in so many levels because I feel amazing after every workout because I'm covered in sweat from head to toe. I'm alot less sore daily this time around as in Phase 3 it's lower weights more reps but I am definitely challenged in keeping my cardio endurance up because each sets are "supersets and even triplesets" and you feel like you have no time to catch your breath in between workouts witch is the point haha.

This week definitely challenged me thought. Phase 3 takes me alot longer to go threw the workouts and there seems to be like double the amounts of sets to do! I am so hard on myself and try and push myself to my max and seem to get angry with myself when I have "off days" where I don't feel as strong. I am also really hard on myself every time I see the scale. (stupid thing!) Husband keeps telling me to ignore the scale because he says he sees a huge difference in my body already. He says my posture changed, the way my clothes fit changed and that he can really see my muscles toning up and says that I've definetly been putting on ALOT of muscle tone because I'm alot stronger and he can see definition in my legs and arms. (just need to get my stomach to shrink!!)

Overall, I feel ALOT better then I did 9 weeks ago and I'm definitely heading into the right direction. I just need to keep at it, keep pushing threw the long workouts, crush my daily cardio, ignore the scale, drink alot of water and be happy.

I do have to work on keeping work at work and not bringing my stressful day home with me. I've been a stress ball this week because alot has been going on and I just feel like I have no proper time to attack each thing that needs attention and to get done so I end up going to bed waaaay too late, wake up early with barely any sleep and my days drag on. I seem to be in a viscous circle this week of sleeping late, no matter what I tell myself when I wake up all groggy and sleepy and swear to go to bed early that night I still end up going to bed way past midnight. For example fell asleep last night at 4am and woke up at 8am and right now it is past 12:30 am and I still got a few things to do before bed. My brain is just on 'go go go' mode and I feel like I'm not getting all the things I want to get done.. done.

Couple things going on lately

1.  Flying home for a visit in 16 days and have alot to deal with before we go (haven't been home in a year and 8 months!)
- Saving a spot for our big dog at a doggy day care and finding the funds to pay for it!
- Getting a pet carrier bag for the little dog because shes coming on the plane with us.. this was very challenging because all the 3 pet stores we did, did not have the size required for our plane. (she needs to fit under the seats.)
- Finally bought one online and hoped it would do. It just arrived in the mail today and it's perfect! Little dog really likes it haha.. she's awesome.

2. I signed up to be a Stampin' Up Demonstrator!
- I've been wanting to be one for ages and finally worked up the courage to pursue it.
- Had to sign up witch took a little bit to do.
- Had to create my Stampin' Up webpage
- Had to place my first order, this was so exciting and exausting at the same time haha.. I've wanted so many of their items and got so excited and carried away, I checked their online catalogue like 10 times, made 3 different list of 'wish list' 'need list' 'want list'.. checked them all 3 times no joke, then finally placed my first order. (only on the 1st order you get 30% off so I wanted to make it good and worth it! Now I sit and wait till it arrives and I'm just too excited!!!!
- Find myself loosing myself on google searching for my next project to loose myself in.
- I find myself over thinking ways of how I can sell the product I love so much and how I can make my Art Blog even better and how I can vamp up my Facebook Art Fan Page so that even more people check it out.
- My brain is on overload when it comes to anything art related and I love it!! This has 100% helped me go threw the past month or so accepting things I cannot change and dive into things I love and can change! :)

3. Our new Game Plan fertility wise!!! (will be in December..)
- That's a whole other post on it's own so stay tuned for it...
- All I gotta say is that lately it's been on my mind alot and there is alot of research I want to make before we dive into it but I promised myself I wouldn't look at any of it for a couple more weeks.
- New game plan conscist of new, stronger meds and ALOT more of them! This aspect makes me so nervous you have no idea.. so I've been trying to keep away from thinking about it too much yet... I told myself after our follow up appointmnet that right now there is nothign I can change about it and that there is no point to stress about it till we get closer to the time.
- I haven't made a post yet about that appointment because I didn't let all the info sink in because I did not want to stress over it yet and knew there was no point to consume myself in it like I did every other time. The post is coming soon thought!

My red exhausted face at the gym right before 30 mins of cardio.. 
This is me not too impressed, tired, cranky and rather be anywhere but the gym...
But I managed to find something on tv and kicked ass at my cardio. 

The Infertile Mrs.White

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