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Friday, August 1, 2014

CD1.. And so it begins :)

Hahaha call me crazy but last night I painted my nails Red (Essie nail polish) and hoped that would bring on AF.. Sure enough the following day AF came flowing. Let's just say that I will NOT be wearing this nail polish during my 2WW. :P I was very glad of Af's timing since it's August 1st, it's going to make tracking my cycle days alot easier :) The minute it arrived, I called my husband who called the nurse line and left them a voicemail about it being CD1 and needing to be booked in for CD3 baseline ultrasound. Half an hour later they called me and we set it up. Feels like it's been a long while since we have actively been ttc and I'm so ready for this! Looking forward to CD3's injections and getting the ball rolling'.

The Infertile Mrs.White

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