Thursday, August 14, 2014

CD14 Follow Up ultrasound #3

Still pitch black out when we left the house...

Really foggy out a good part of the drive.

Alarm goes off at 3:30am hop in the shower and get ready. While getting ready hubby went out and filled my car with gas and got himself some Tim Horton's. Left the house at 4:43am. 
Arrive at clinic at 6:44am and that's with a quick pee stop on the way and more Tim Horton's lol.
We did it... We're #1 in line finally!

Threw that door is the reception desk.. they only open at 7:45 yet by that time the waiting area is already 3/4 full so we have to get there real early like today.. 7:00am and #1!! Usually the elevator that brings us up to this floor is locked till 7:15 and women start lining up down there it's kinda funny to see.. but a nice nurse was going up and asked up if wanted to go up.. score! Beats waiting 15 more mins in front of a locked elevator! 
 Then we notice on the board what Dr is doing the ultrasounds today.. it's yet again Dr.M. WHY!!!!! I am really hoping this is my last follow up and that i get to trigger tonight. Now I'm sitting here all anxious. I told my husband that this time I don't care how awkward or hard it is to tell him to do his job... measure ALL my follicles or at least the top 3 in each ovary!!

 Nice and empty.. for a whole 5-10 minutes.. I really REALLY hope I don't have to see this waiting room again unless it's to confirm my pregnancy!! FINGERS CROSSED!!!

Haha... bored waiting so we play games on our new phones.
Here we go... follow up #3!!! Hopefully the last before the IUI!! 
Haha trying to look pretty with my white sheet :P 

This was the famous white board in change room #4 haha.. not quite as epic as the other day.

 The ultrasound room.. nothing too exciting.

It was Dr M. again today and I was gearing myself up to speak my mind with him and tell him to measure more then 1 fregan follicle in each ovary!!! My husband was laughing at me cause I was stressing out over it all morning. The minute I saw his name again on the board when you walk in and take a number my heart sunk and I was mad.. 3 times in a row c'mon.. usually I get a diff Dr every visit, in this case I think I would have rather that this time around.

So... the Dr came in and he was in a really jolly good mood haha. He is usually really cheery, full of smiles and jokes and today was no different BUT he actually measured my follicles and I didn't have to say a word! Fiouf! He was like let's have a look, he measured my lining then went over to the right ovary and said: "Woah! Tell me again that you guys want kids" and starts laughing.. I had MANY large follicles.. then he was like: "Okay, let's count them together" and went on measuring 3 of them. That made me feel so much better. He actually looked around a bit.. well this time he didn't really have a choice because they were all pretty large and to get a good measurement he had to try and get different angles. My hubby took another video with his phone and you can really see well just how much my follicles grew! He then went over to the left side, measured one and yanked out the probe. Wished he would have measured at least one more on that side but once again before I could say anything it was over. So.............. The Verdict is.... drum roll.....  

(This is the pic I posted on my instagram)
I was REALLY hoping that my follicles would be around 20 and that I would have 2-3 considering the amount of pain I have but instead I have a shit ton of medium ones and 2 contenders. (I desperately want twins more then anything) but more sure if the 15 will grown enough today and tomorrow to make the cut.. or even the 13 for that matter. C'mon follies GROW!!!

I was hoping not to need to anymore injections but here we are... after the Apt we drove to the pharmacy, picked up 3 more vials of Menopur, picked up the trigger shot as well as 2 boxes of Prometrium (progesterone capsules). Picked them all up at the same time to save us anymore trips to the Pharmacy. 

I know Dr said to keep same dosage so 187.5iu.. but I am not taking ANY chances that they don't grow big enough to fertilize. So once again I upped my dosage to 3 lines past the 1ml line. I don't think I ended up ever doing the recommended dosage after all. Heck if my biggest is still only a 16 then maybe I should have been at a higher dosage to start with! So here goes nothing. 

This is my "lucky" bracelet my mom bought me when she was down for a couple days in July. I call it lucky because it's 1st of all from the store called "Lucky Brand" haha, 2nd.. my mom bought it for me and 3rd it has elephants and I'm obsessed with elephants and it's just really pretty :P Been wearing it at every apt but the baseline and plan on wearing it for the IUI.

The Crafty Infertile Mrs.White

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